Keelhook Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil


Keelhook is a stout, muscular man with a balding head and orcish features. Loud, thuggish, and crude, he’s one of the least-liked patrons. However, well aware of the tavern’s rules, he tenuously follows rule 1: obey the staff. He’s very short-tempered with anyone he thinks is wasting his time. Hiring Keelhook. Keelhook is a wereboar and performs assassinations in hybrid form, which makes him more or less unrecognizable. Definitely on the cheaper end of assassins, Keelhook is even less subtle than Kazarack when it comes to finishing jobs. “What, you’ll pay to have someone murdered but you’re worried about a little property damage?” His services cost a flat 1,200 gold pieces.


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