Kazarack Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil


This towering woman is a bluish tiefling with a broken horn. She wears dark leather armor with a fearsome glaive slung over one shoulder. Kazarack hires herself out as an assassin, but in truth, she’s an oni. She knows about the devils in the Bloated Bounty, and has an affable relationship with them—after all, she’s not what she looks like either. She’ll happily talk with the party if it seems like they want to hire her, but quickly gets bored if they’re just asking her about the tavern. Hiring Kazarack. If the party needs someone killed, Kazarack will happily do the deed for 2,500 gold, or a rare magic item. Her oni powers—magical disguises and invisibility—mean she’s almost impossible to catch, but she tends to leave gruesome messes in her wake. If your players don’t want everyone in town horrified by the assassination, she will refer them to the Twins.


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