Joy, Hope, and Song Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Joy, Hope, and Song

These identical triplets (human commoners) share a basic cottage. They are amiable servers in the tavern and banquet hall. Few on the property can tell the sisters apart, with many referring to them using a single word: “JoyHopeSong.” In their off-hours, the sisters enjoy weaving a large tapestry. Their tapestry is nearing completion, illustrating a golden dragon and a beautiful maiden dancing together.   What They Know. The three sisters regularly leave offerings of fresh flowers at Aibo’s shrine. They feel drawn to this tranquil place but do not know who the shrine belongs to.   Relationship to the Spirits. Aibo has secretly inspired the triplets to craft the tapestry illustrating herself and her love Namidaryu. This tapestry can be used to help calm the spirits.


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