Jory Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil


Jory is the wooden dragon figurehead (using animated armor stats, with a speed of 0 ft. and vulnerability to fire damage) of the longboat that forms part of the roof of the By the Frost tavern. The longboat once served a mighty warrior clan, but earned its eternal rest here as a roof. No one asked Jory about these retirement plans, though, and he’s very annoyed to be stuck in one place and upside down. Still, Jory takes his duties seriously, so he will welcome every guest (albeit grumpily) and give them all the information they might possibly need about their stay at By the Frost. He can move his head and neck a little bit, and blink his eyes, but cannot move his neck quite enough to ever be fully rightside-up and it gives him a chronic headache. He looks down on the pathway.


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