Jasmine Birchwright in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Jasmine Birchwright

Jasmine (forest elf commoner) is the very reserved hostess who guides patrons through the tea ceremony. Until recently, she strictly adhered to local customs when performing the tea ceremony. However, Takukane, the tavern’s owner, demanded the ceremony be modified to include references to the tavern’s dragon theme, including promoting products and services. Jasmine was furious and considered quitting, but her elderly parents recently passed away and unexpectedly left her with a large debt to a powerful crime family. As such, she choked down her anger and grudgingly implemented the owner’s changes. Jasmine shares a comfortable cottage with Shami. The two have developed a close relationship, spending most of their non-working time together.
  What She Knows. Jasmine is worried the changes to her tea ceremony may offend the spirits she believes stillhaunt the grounds.
  Relations to the Spirits. Jasmine is extremely respectful of the spirits and knows many ways they can be placated. She also knows the proper rites to put a spirit to rest. Despite this, Jasmine will not freely express this knowledge, believing Takukane deserves punishment from the spirits for his actions. She will get involved if asked respectfully or if the situation looks dire.


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