Jamil Ayad Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Jamil Ayad

With a brass dragon’s love of conversation, this brass dragonborn commoner is a born tavern host. Jamil is chatty, personable, and even though he is usually stationed in the kitchen he loves coming out to chat with the guests. He often tends the outside oasis bar if Asiri is busy. Jamil is very easygoing, and even though his family and Asiri’s have been enemies for years, the two of them get on surprisingly well. Jamil, like Asiri, only wants peace in the oasis. And what better way to broker peace than by providing everyone with good food and drink? Jamil is also an amateur healer and spends a lot of time experimenting with the medicinal plants that grow around the oasis. He is one of the people who claim the oasis water itself has healing properties, but Asiri keeps telling him to keep that fact to himself, as it can’t be proven and will only cause more conflict.


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