Jake Redbeard in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Jake Redbeard

A true human pirate (bandit captain) in the traditional sense, Jake Redbeard long ago lost his ship (sometimes he says it was a mutiny, sometimes he says it was taken by law enforcement, most often he says it was dragged to the depths by a fearsome sea monster) and now stays at the Drunken Treasure dreaming of better days. He currently holds the record for the longest time spent using an aquox breather, and the proprietors have a sneaking suspicion that he will have trouble adjusting to the surface when (if) he ever leaves. He’s fond of placing bets in the Light Theater. Jake Redbeard set to sea in search of Atlas’ treasure, which is said to be stored on the same island where his castle rested. During breaks in motion, when the tavern drops anchor, he frequently dives in search of Atlas’ sunken fleet and other lost goods. He may pursue the party later if he finds them particularly interesting, either as new crew members or as coin-hauling chumps.


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