Jacob Baker Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Jacob Baker

Jacob is a pudgy young man approaching his 20s, with bright red hair and a splatter of freckles. He was Larry’s middle child, and the incredibly talented chef for the tavern up until six years ago. An artistic and attentive soul, he perfected several recipes of his own design before age 10. At first Jacob planned on staying to help support his growing family, but the pain of losing his mother drove him to leave. Outshone by Freddy’s showier talent, Jacob felt his abilities went underappreciated. With more confidence than his older brother had, he quickly found himself with several job opportunities. As with Larry’s other sons, Jacob’s current fate is up to the GM. He may be working at a rival tavern on the same road, he may be in a distant town working for a well-known noble, or he may have a tavern of his own in the coming years.


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