Hoots Magoo in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Hoots Magoo

Hoots Magoo is the ship’s mascot and long-time companion to Commander Faulisitus. He is an awakened parrot who often acts as the Commander’s eyes and ears when she is elsewhere. Hoots likes to play dumb, pretending to be a typical parrot; however, he has trouble holding in puns and one-liners should the opportunity present itself. Once he becomes friends with someone, they will be forced to endure an unending barrage of bad jokes from the bird.
  Quests and Events. Once Bloody Gracie captures the ship as described in the Ship At Sea event, Hoots will hide, staying out of Gracie’s sight. He is smart and will look for every opportunity to help Commander Faulistus, including asking the characters for help if he’s aware of their abilities. Hoots isn’t aware of the enchanted feather’s powers but suspects the ghosts that appear daily are tied to it somehow. He knows Gracie’s crew stole the feather and will suggest its recovery may help defeat the pirate.


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