Hermina Flintbreath Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Hermina Flintbreath

Hermina Flintbreath is the tavern’s friendly dwarven bartender, secretly working to awaken an ancient evil trapped within the mines. Hermina has a big welcoming personality. She always greets patrons with a broad smile and a hearty “What can I getcha?” She dresses simply unless making her discrete excursions to the outer caverns, in which case she throws on sturdy studded leather armor. She generally listens more than she talks and has a pragmatic “get-er-done” attitude that many in the tavern appreciate. Despite her pleasant nature, Hermina carries a dark secret. She wears a gift from her grandfather, a necklace unknowingly made from an evil-tainted relic from the mine’s darkest corners. The Voice, a malicious entity tied to her necklace, has enthralled Hermina with an offer of great magical powers in return for her aid. With the help of Zhag the troll, Hermina has secretly rebuilt the Voice’s ancient shrine. She just needs to complete a few tasks before the Voice has promised to deliver great power to her, but she’ll need the help of some adventurers to finish what she started.


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