Hakulis Eyesender Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Hakulis Eyesender

Hakulis is obsessed with finding lore on Cassie Wormreader, Fate’s Mistress. Her research has led her to the Grand Shanty, where she is in awe of the ghostly spirits that arrive each night. Hakulis is not yet aware the ghost she’s seen talking with the Commander each night is Captain Ironguts himself, but she is too afraid to ask. Hakulis may look to the characters to find out who the ghost is and inquire about the possibility of interviewing it. Hakulis can offer 50 gp to characters who do this. Hakulis has rented one of the larger guest rooms in the fore section of the Main Deck. Hakulis is a human using druid statistics augmented with proficiency in History +5 and Religion +5.


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