Gwynyn Oakenlock Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Gwynyn Oakenlock

Altin’s wife, Gwynyn Oakenlock, is a female Wood Elf, and an accomplished Circle of the Land druid, but rather than immersing herself in books and research like her husband she prefers to be hands-on. She crafts everything from soap to quilts and healing potions, and is primarily responsible for the cozy and comfortable feel of the inn. Tall and shapely, she usually wears long flowing dresses or robes. Her long brown hair is kept in a tidy plait down her back. Gwynyn knows the cantrips druidcraft and mending and the spells speak with animals, cure wounds, entangle, spike growth, and speak with plants. She is proficient in Herbalism and has +6 in Nature and Medicine. She is most often found in the main hall or experimenting in the kitchen and brewery. She is currently trying to craft a new mead recipe to rival her original Gwynyn’s Blend mead.


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