Grunder Steelsheild Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Grunder Steelsheild

Grunder (dwarf commoner) is the aged uncle of the owner, Hermina. As he was too old to work effectively in the mines, Hermina made him the cook for the tavern. Grunder resents being relegated to the kitchen, wishing he still had the strength of his youth, and he will tell anyone who asks. Grunder has a small repertoire of bland yet comforting foods he makes for the tavern’s menu. However, their mutton supply is getting low, and he worries what the tavern’s troll bouncer might do if they run short. Grunder is looking for adventurers to procure fresh meats to add to his meals, as many have also grown tired of the mushroom and mutton staples he is forced to work with.


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