Grudd Brighteyes Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Grudd Brighteyes

Grudd is a dwarven healer (priest) who seems to have been late in his years upon his death. There are wisps of white and grey in his ginger hair. A variety of medical and healer badges that he accumulated in his life nearly take up the entire front of his tunic. He always wants people to know he is available to help, often checking in on guests. Grudd was a cleric sworn to a god of creation, and wielded the healing powers that came with devotion. Grudd has been the barkeep of Death’s Door for so long that he can hardly remember how he got here. He had… friends… and he did something for them. And now, early in the mornings, their names writhe at the tip of his mind over a cup of tea. But he still can’t quite recall them. Grudd knows that the life he knew has forever ended, and he just wants to get along. To that end, he has mastered a warm demeanor and has become quite adept at welcoming uneasy former heroes to this tavern. He always has a tankard of your favorite ale, or a pot of exquisite tea, and always bends his ear to let shell-shocked patrons tell their story and acclimate to their situation. Choosing to pass on is a big decision and Grudd always offers advice. But he never tells someone what to do: that choice must be theirs. He has known Death for some time now, and can frequently be found playing games or putting together puzzles over a cup of tea with the entity.
  Cause of Death. Grudd does not remember his own cause of death. Asking Death about the circumstance reveals that Grudd, in a similar but more honorable situation than Stibbles, made a sacrifice. In a situation that decided the fate of a reality, Grudd fought with a deity and helped his friends succeed.


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