Greshka Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil


Most nights, Greshka, a half-orc singer with a low, smoky voice, sings slow ballads about betrayals, murders, and treachery. Greshka is a relatively new bard. Although she’s a mellow person, she’s excited and humbled to get to perform at a place like the Bloated Bounty. If the party earns her trust, she’ll add that she’s a little intimidated by all the killers and actual devils. Still, she confidently insists, “What kind of adventurer would I be if I let a little danger scare me?” You can represent Greshka using the stats of a cult fanatic with the following adjustments: Charisma is her spellcasting ability (Spell save DC 12, +4 to hit with spell attacks), and she has the following spells prepared: Cantrips: dancing lights, prestidigitation, vicious mockery; 1st level: bane, command, heroism; 2nd level: hold person, suggestion.


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