Greeba the Green Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Greeba the Green

Greeba is a female half-orc/half-wood elf berserker with a base Strength score of 18 and a base Charisma score of 15. Being both orc and wood elf makes for a complicated background, and it wasn’t until Greeba found a home at the Treetop Tavern that she felt she truly belonged anywhere. As she towers over most guests, few seek to cross her. With her green coloring and brown leathers, she finds it easy to blend in anywhere in the environs of the tavern, which often makes it seem that she has appeared out of nowhere. She has reddish-brown hair and pointed ears. Being half elf and half orc, Greeba has advantage against being charmed, proficiency in Intimidation and Grappling, and knows the languages Elvish, Orc, Common, and Dwarvish. She cannot be put to sleep by magic. Greeba can be found anywhere at any time within the tavern as she is constantly patrolling. She has a fondness for strong ale. She takes her job very seriously and has been known to pitch offenders out of the tavern when she catches them doing something that breaks the rules. If she has had any positive interactions with the offender, then she might whistle for a flying beast from the rookery to catch them before they hit the ground.


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