Great Mushroom Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Great Mushroom

Long ago, the Great Mushroom was a sentient tree who witnessed the destruction of an entire forest and thousands of dragons. Over time, the tree’s consciousness moved into the mushroom that consumed it, and now it is fully present in the Great Mushroom, most visible on level D. The Great Mushroom loves its offspring passionately, because they are like and of it. It loves humanoids, because they are so different, and it never tires of watching them. When the mushroom had just taken root in the great tree as a spore, it was visited by a strange humanoid who sang songs of worlds beyond the cavern. The Great Mushroom knows that it can never travel, and is content with that, but it loves seeing the pieces of different worlds that come to it, and it cannot shake the feeling that it does, in some way, reach into the worlds of the tavern guests and even beyond. It has strange dreams sometimes of a great beast called Vect, who seems to be a tavern himself. They visit often in their dreams, and it feels like if they ever met, they would rush to each other with open arms (a feat, considering neither of them actually have arms). There is only one being that the Great Mushroom could do without, and that is the Caterpillar. The Great Mushroom wishes the Caterpillar would quit telling people that parts of it will make them larger or smaller, as that seems to be for a use that isn’t quite right for this world.


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