Gergi the Healer Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Gergi the Healer

The only human employed by the Drunken Treasure, Gergi is a druid (with goodberry, healing word and lesser restoration prepared in place of his normal spell list) who has a particular gift for the healing and treatment of breathing issues. A good sixty or perhaps even seventy years old, he has a range of treatments to help ease the transition to using an aquox breathing device. He can be rather brusque, but is a master of his craft. He is very protective, almost fatherly, towards Phara and is not fond of any jokes made at her expense. Those who treat her badly may find theiraquox breathers running short before the anticipated time. Gergi uses a unique Stone of Water Breathing at all times (creating a continuous, personal water breathing effect), as to not use the coral reserved for guests.


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