Frederick Baker Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Frederick Baker

Frederick F. Baker is a young human male in his mid 20s. Larry’s firstborn son was raised on the early success of Lucky Larry’s, and was heavily encouraged to explore his interests. Freddy became fascinated with music, practicing with various instruments in all of his free time. Larry and Nova took out a loan to add a stage for him to perform. Freddy’s over-encouragement would be his downfall, and he began to fear a failed career after losing to a bard during a weekly contest held by Larry. Instead of continuing to pursue a music career near home, he accepted an apprenticeship under a travelling troupe of musicians. His fate is currently unknown to Larry, and is up to the GM. He might be found begging outside another tavern, be mentioned in the tale of a sole survivors’ adventure, or be found on the road far from Poor Larry’s.


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