Erron Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil


Erron is a young tiefling boy (commoner) with pale green skin and freckles. His horns are somewhat similar to the Seeker’s, but slightly longer and curving back over his white hair. He spends much of his time learning to play the flute. He was an urchin for all of his young life, but fought with a confident vigor stronger than anyone his age. With a sweetness in his young heart, he would steal from merchants and nobles, sharing food with everything from rats to working peasants. Nova enjoys spending time with Erron, who she says reminds her of her son Jericho.   Cause of Death. Erron was strong enough to endure beatings from guards and hunger pains without shedding a tear. However, his innocent generosity caused an influx of the local rat population, and he succumbed to a sickness they had begun to carry.


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