Emit William Saps, the Tinkerer Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Emit William Saps, the Tinkerer

Emit W. Saps is a young gnome who couldn’t be over 100 years old. He wears a wool vest, a white undershirt, brown shorts, and goggles that rest on his forehead. Emit seems entirely aloof and borderline exhausted at nearly all times. When speaking to others he expresses a half interest, but in times of urgency, he will act calmly and give direct advice on how to handle the situation. Emit boasts of his accomplishments to anyone who will listen, exclaiming he is the greatest tinkerer to have ever been born. However, if asked what he has made, Emit will respond, “Oh, nothing yet. I’ve still got time though.” He visits taverns, ruins, and other locations that feature either silence or a buzz of action. Emit seems to greatly enjoy eating, being able to gorge on meals larger than himself, but never grow larger. In his own words, “Savoring a meal is savoring the life you live—you can’t survive without a good meal.”


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