Dretin Dalmura Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Dretin Dalmura

Dretin Dalmura is a female drow, an avid black market fence. Dretin wears a hooded cloak, possibly to conceal her heritage from prying eyes, or to protect herself from the sun. Her build is slim and wiry, accented by leather armor dyed black underneath her cloak. Her hair falls in two braids. She has a small scar at the corner of her mouth, but smiles pleasantly if spoken to. She mostly stays in her room in the Ruby Sleeper Car and takes her meals there as well. If Dretin is brought out for questioning, she is sure to keep her room locked. Her answers are brief but honest, and it should be clear that she wants nothing to do with the ordeal. Her business relationship with Gammon is so distant that she isn’t aware of his identity. The exact contents of her room are determined by the GM, but should not exceed a value of 150 gold.


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