Donhei and Yoku Haiku Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Donhei and Yoku Haiku

This wealthy merchant couple (human nobles) are intrigued by the business operations of the Teapot Temple. They were looking to buy the rights to the property, believing they could grow it into a success where Takukane has failed. The dragonborn owner has rebuffed their purchase offers, so now Donhei and Yoku are looking for ways to get possession of the property underhandedly.   Donhei and Yoku’s Quest. Donehei and Yoku will approach the characters suggesting that Takukane must be stopped, feigning concern over the disrespect being shown to ancestor spirits on the property. They will try to convince the characters to obtain the deed to the property Takakune keeps locked in his office, as that’s the only way they can take over the operations and set things right. The two are not particularly intelligent, but they can be compelling, gaining advantage on all Charisma (Deception) checks.


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