Dolores Artio Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Dolores Artio

Whispered about as “the Daffy Dolphin Merlady,” Dolores loves coming to The Drunken Treasure because of their lenient pet policy. She brings her dolphins—all seven of them. She spends most of her time talking to her pets and taking them out for swims around The Drunken Treasure, but if someone compliments her dolphins she will become very chatty—mainly about her dolphins, but she is also knowledgeable about other sea life, especially old tales of enormous sea monsters. She is also, despite her flaky affect, an accomplished sorceress (use the mage stats, with a merfolk’s speed and abilities) who was integral in enchanting the control mechanisms of The Drunken Treasure. She sometimes is seen in the control room tinkering with the lights to fix problems or improve performance.


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