Chef Sarphi Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Chef Sarphi

Currently on a tour here from the Spring of Peace, Sarphi is the daughter of a noble in the Fadel family. Sarphi is a young pink-skinned, blue haired, tiefling female commoner. As a chef, she wears her hair pulled back under a kerchief. She favors a many-pocketed apron over her multi-colored dresses. She is thrilled to be working here, learning and experimenting with all the cuisines that are brought on to The Wildaback. She spends the bulk of her time in the Kitchen, but also ventures into both the Store Room and the Rooftop Terrace for supplies. Sarphi has grown fond of her life on The Wildaback, and quietly wishes not to return home. If the party is able to convince Sami he should stay, Sarphi will be grateful and give them 2d8 platinum pieces as thanks.


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