Cheesums Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil


Cheesums is a rare variant of feline renine (undead spirit of a lost or abandoned pet), called nekomata. Instead of dying tragically, these spirits were treated with endless love during their long lives, and transformed into undying spirits that watch over their owners. Cheesums was the pet of someone named Little Hollow, a previous guest of the Tavern at Death’s Door. After his owner’s tragic death, Cheesums accompanied his owner in the hopes of helping them escape. To Cheesum’s surprise, Little Hollow quickly departed to their chosen afterlife. Cheesums comes and goes from the tavern’s main rooms , to the Nothing Beyond and the Forgotten Places as he pleases. Cheesums has gained the ability to speak, and acts as a questioning force for newcomers. He will pester them, questioning their ability to return to their homes. If treated fairly, Cheesums will aid guests in their contests against Death (giving them advantage by helping in some way), and may even return to life with them if they succeed.   Cause of Death. Cheesums transformed into a nekomata at age 25, having been cared for by Little Hollow. If asked about Little Hollow, Cheesums will describe them as having been “endlessly wise, endlessly caring, but having carried an unreasonable deathwish.” Around their mid 40s, Little Hollow drowned in an overturned boat on a voyage that would have been legendary, had Little Hollow only fought harder to live. On the day of arrival at Death’s Door, parting words were given to Cheesums, and Little Hollow ventured through the final door without speaking to anyone else—not even Death.


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