Chanda and Demir Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Chanda and Demir

Chanda and Demir are a pair of chain devils in Ozemnos’s service. Centuries ago, they were captains of elite shock troops in the pit fiend’s army. Ozemnos has granted them the ability to change shape, so that they can help manage the Bloated Bounty. Both devils are embarrassed that they have to masquerade as humanoids, and have a dreadful habit of using their unnerving mask ability on unruly customers. They spend their time roaming various rooms in the tavern, dispassionately checking in on guests with no real intention of meeting their needs. They are conspiring to kill Rajiv, as they think that Ozemnos’s fondness for the mortal is a vulnerability. It’s also their hope that the pit fiend will “come to his senses” after Rajiv is eliminated—otherwise, the devils may have to face an overwhelming and sudden wrath. They keep their conversations away from the rats, but at the GM’s discretion they may have been recently overheard.


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