Cephila Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil


It might be tricky to keep an underwater tavern clean, but you’d never think so to look at The Drunken Treasure. Every surface is kept clean of debris and algae, except in specific garden areas. This is all thanks to Cephila, an exacting octopus who employs a team of various bottomfeeding pets that live to clean. Under her guidance, they keep The Drunken Treasure spic and span. Cephila says little to anyone other than fellow workers at the tavern, but she does answer requests from visitors, proving she is able to understand Common as spoken by surface-dwellers. Cephila takes her job seriously and often uses her natural camouflage to keep her presence hidden from guests so they aren’t disturbed. Because of this, she is a hidden wellspring of information, knowing many things that guests would perhaps like to keep secret.


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