Candela, the antiquer Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Candela, the antiquer

Candela, the youngest sister, specializes in magic items that cause harm to others or offer something to the owner at a price. Candela initially sells low-power “magical antiques,” and only shows her secret stock to those that find her true identity as a way to keep them quiet.   Greed Box (requires attunement) - 100 gp: A plain black lacquered box. Inlaid on its cover is a single gold coin. The inside of the box is lined with lustrous red velvet. When you open this box for the first time in one day, you will find inside 1d4x10 gold pieces. If you take the gold, close the box, and open it a second time, you will find inside 1d6x10 gold pieces; 1d8x10 for the third opening; 1d12x10 for the fourth; and 1d20x10 for the fifth. This gold, however, is not generated out of the aether—it’s taken from someone. The gold could be actual gold, but it could also be a stolen object of equal value. Every time you open the box in one day, you will steal from the same person. You do not know from whom, or where they are, but they will know more about you the more you open the box. The first time you open the box, the creature you stole from will get an image of your face in their head, the second time they’ll know your location within 50 miles, the third time they’ll know your name, the fourth time they’ll know your location within 10 miles, and the fifth time they gain a permanent ability to sense of where you are at any given time. This effect cannot be blocked by spells, through the use of lead, or any other means to stop divination magic.   Kobold’s Paw (requires attunement) - 40 gp: The dessicated hand of a kobold, cut off at the wrist. Its four fingers are extended upward and fixed in position by rigor mortis. Whenever you make a skill check, you may invoke the kobold’s paw to gain advantage on the roll. You can invoke the kobold’s paw after seeing the roll but before knowing if it succeeds or fails. Once you do so, the GM can force disadvantage on one other skill check, saving throw, or attack you make. You cannot invoke the kobold’s paw to gain advantage again until you have been forced to roll at disadvantage. Once you make your roll at disadvantage, one finger on the kobold’s paw curls down. Once the four fingers on the kobold’s paw curl to form a fist, it cannot be used again.   The Ugly Count’s Ugly Brooch - 50 gp: A gaudy brooch in the shape of a wilting rose filled with fake precious stones. While wearing this broach, you can convince anyone that you are of noble blood without the need of rolls, signet rings, or documents. As soon as it’s worn, the broach applies an illusion to the wearer’s face causing the wearer to appear ugly. The illusion does not change the wearer’s characteristic such as race, but rather twists their existing features into shapes that the wearer would deem ugly. As long as you are wearing the broach, any Charisma checks are made with disadvantage.


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