Burton Barleyman Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Burton Barleyman

Owner and Barkeep The innkeeper is an older human veteran, nearing his late 50s. Sprouting from his jawline is a lively pair of mutton chops that connect with his moustache, whose curls point toward a pair of rosey cheeks. Having once been an avid adventurer himself, he has his fair share of battle scars—none affecting his welcoming face, but the most noticeable being his left arm, which was severed from the elbow down. A prosthetic has been fitted to make his job easier, with modules for things like mugs, knives, shakers, and other tools of the trade. Burton owns the tavern, and runs it with a hands-on approach. He can almost always be found behind the bar, waiting tables, or helping out in the kitchens. A humble and genuine person, Burton has the absolute respect of his employees. Many of his stories rival those of adventuring patrons, including the story of how he lost his arm. Burton will tell a story involving a battle with his father on the rim of a volcano, ending with his arm cascading into the molten earth—along with his father, who he describes as “a man who lost sight of himself.”


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