Bobby Grey Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Bobby Grey

Bobby is a young human boy (commoner), who seems to have died at the age of 9. He wears overalls, a striped yellow t-shirt, and sneakers depicting a masked adventurer. Bobby does not seem to grasp his situation, and says he has been waiting for his dad to “pick him up.” Asking around the tavern uncovers that Bobby has been in the tavern for three years. He is cautious with strangers at first, but quickly warms up and constantly begs others to play games with him.   Cause of Death. Bobby Grey lived with his single father in a kingdom called Flooreda, apparently owned by some larger kingdom called the “Euessay”. During a fishing trip in a local swampland, Bobby ventured too far from his family and was eaten by a wingless dragon.


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