Bloody Gracie Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Bloody Gracie

Gracy Vindaloo, or Gracie Sweet Greens as she was once known, was the first mate to Captain Ironguts. Bloody Gracie coveted the haunted ship and led a mutiny against her captain that won her the vessel for a short time. Unaware that Captain Ironguts’ mastery of the ship’s ghostly sailors was because of a magical feather, Gracie was captain for only a few weeks before, she and the ship were captured by Commander Faulisitus. To escape jail, Gracie made evil pacts with fiendish powers who taught her Captain Ironguts’ secrets. Now with inhuman abilities, Gracie has gathered a crew of pirates intent on reclaiming the ship and exacting revenge.   Appearance. Fiendish powers have transformed Bloody Gracie into a weretiger lycanthrope infused with inhuman abilities. She feels empowered by her hybrid tiger-humanoid form, disdaining her old human form as weak. She wears the coat of a pirate captain and a large hat, which will include Captain Irongut’s enchanted feather after she has captured the Grand Shanty.   Quests and Events. Bloody Gracie is the driving force behind the Ship at Sea event. She will try to press characters into service on her vessel, recognizing their value should she win them to her side. Those who resist her will be imprisoned in hanging cages and left to die of thirst.


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