Bijit Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil


Bijit (human commoner) is the descendant of a family who once served Namidaryu and Aibo. Their family’s knowledge of this service is long since forgotten, but family members are expected to come to the shrine at least once during their lives to give respect to their ancestors. The family believes that following this tradition brings good luck while failing to do so brings ill.   Bijit’s Quest.[/]b Bijit’s parents recently passed away, and he has come to offer his respects at the shrine. He has one so, but saw the sad apparition of Aibo there. Bijit is now obsessed with helping Aibo find peace, believing his own parents’ peaceful rest depends on this. Bijit drinks sadly by himself in the bar wondering how to help the ghostly spirit he saw. He is unwilling to speak with the tavern’s employees about this because he views their commercialization of the grounds as disrespectful. He will approach the player characters for assistance once he recognizes they are not tavern employees.


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