Bigglesby Hemphorne Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Bigglesby Hemphorne

Bigglesby Hemphorne is a talented but gloomy gnome musician who regularly plays in the tavern (gnome noble, with Performance +7 instead of the Insight skill). His musical talents are remarkable as he can play haunting melodies on nearly any instrument. Unfortunately, his taste in music doesn’t always align with the tavern’s patrons. Hermina must regularly have a talk with Bigglesby regarding his song choices. Bigglesby is a pessimist. He believes everything is ultimately doomed to fail, and there’s not much we can do about it. Despite this outlook, the tavern’s bard always dresses in formal attire, even when not entertaining. “We’re all probably going to die a horrible death, so why not look good doing it? Anyone up for a rousing dirge to help pass this dreary moment of tedium?


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