Basil “Sticks” Faulisitus in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Basil “Sticks” Faulisitus

Basil Faulisitus is Captain Garious’s older brother and the ship’s cook. Most call him Sticks because of his railthin physique and the walking stick he uses to help with his sore knees from years spent lifting heavy pots in the kitchen. Sticks is always willing to try cooking something new. If the characters bring him fresh meat or seafood, he can turn it into a delicious feast. He’s heard giant hull worms can be mouth-watering but has never had the chance to work with them. Sticks is a human berserker. If forced into combat, he wields a massive cleaver (treat as a greataxe). He was never as brave as his sister and will guiltily fall in with Bloody Gracie should she take the ship, but do his best to secretly free his sister. Sticks spends most of his time in the galley. He has a private cabin but tends to sit near the bar talking with Shark Bite Sam.


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