Asiri Fadel Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Asiri Fadel

If one has any worries about their safety at the Spring of Peace, one look at the proprietor and bartender will put all concerns to rest. Asiri is a female human, and the current operator of the tavern as well as the surrounding operations—and she takes her responsibilities very seriously. Her dark hair shades to bright red at the tips, and is intricately braided under a bandana. Daughter of the high priest of the Fadel, she is sometimes caught between her devotion to the peace of the tavern and those who work there, and her loyalty to her people. She can be a bit harsh with her employees, and any guests who step out of line, especially if it threatens the peace of the tavern. Asiri is usually found at the bar, but makes it her business to check on all areas of the tavern.


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