Anv Ghilsen Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Anv Ghilsen

A human vampire hunter and gladiator by trade, Anv only deigns to patronize the Dungeon of Darkness because the only vampire employed there is the cook. To avoid dealing with her, he packs his own food. When he dares the dungeons, he races through all the other undead to get to the vampires. One of the only people to have made it through the second level, and been willing to return, he is a wealth of information, yet he maintains the code of the tavern by not giving away any secrets. A regular visitor, this is his first time bringing his son, who is now old enough to learn the family trade. He is found either lecturing his son over dinner in the Dead Dining Room, quizzing him on vampire lore in the library, or actively instructing him in the Lair of the Vampires room.


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