Altin Oakenlock Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Altin Oakenlock

Altin Oakenlock is an accomplished male wood elf Circle of the Land druid and proprietor of the Treetop Tavern. He takes his duties as a protector of the forest very seriously. Very tall, even for a wood elf, he is slender and tends to wear tailored, formal clothing rather than robes or leathers. He always carries a handkerchief and usually has a book. While slow to anger, there are a few things that spark Altin’s ire: damage to the living tavern, lying, and stealing. Altin knows the cantrips druidcraft and thorn whip and the spells speak with animals, animal friendship, faerie fire, gust of wind, moonbeam, speak with plants, and plant growth. He has +6 in Animal Handling and +4 in both History and Investigation. Altin is most often found in the main hall, where he tries to personally greet every guest (and make sure they understand the rules of the tavern), or in the Oakenlocks’ quarters, where he spends a lot of time reading. At night, he likes to see whatever entertainment is going on in the Bower.


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