Alen Trismys Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Alen Trismys

Alen Trismys is a pretentious high elf who serves as a butler for the most esteemed guests. Alen is in charge of the luxury carriages, and rarely leaves them unless by request. Considering his job to be “above” the rest of the employees of the Rail-Away (other than Tarmo as the conductor), he chooses not to associate with anyone he considers beneath him. He embodies the epitome of the “high elf” with a long, aquiline nose, high cheekbones, and piercing eyes. He looks down upon guests who stay in the standard sleeper cars and isn’t all that fond of non-elves in general, regardless of stature. Alen uses the noble stat block, but lacks a breastplate and instead has an AC of 11.

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