Afranta Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil


Afranta, the director of the Spring of Peace Players is a female djinni. Her bottle is hidden somewhere on the Spring of Peace Tavern grounds, but her original master is unknown, even to Afranta herself. She has very little memory of her life before becoming director of the players. She only knows she has been bound to the oasis since long before there was a tavern or even any intelligent visitors. She knows she is a djinni, but only has the most basic understanding of what that means or what her powers are. She has a hunch that she must have a lamp somewhere nearby, but has no idea who might have it. Afranta also seems to have a sense of when violence is about to occur in the tavern. She has a tendency to appear in that area and try to diffuse the situation with a joke, and on some occasions will physically help the guards. She is usually in the marketplace, and can be summoned to the Heart of the Oasis. The only beings at the oasis who know anything about Afranta’s lamp are the dweller turtles. They will mention that there once was a strange object that looked like the lamps used at the tavern that was found in the oasis waters. It had the effect of making the dweller turtles and other water dwellers in the oasis unusually aggressive, until the elders among the dweller turtles put it somewhere where it could do no more harm to the creatures of the water. None of the dweller turtles in the oasis have any idea where the lamp is now, other than that it is not in the water. They say they have told Afranta this many times, but she never remembers any of it


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