Admiral Boros Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Admiral Boros

Admiral Boros is a large, four-armed humanoid encased entirely in a strange suit of armor. The armor is made of a material stronger than steel, but supple as leather. She speaks in an unnatural tone, and seems to have learned some Common from the other patrons. Boros explains she was the lead commander of ships that sailed between realities, and spread her people’s message to countless worlds. She asks strange questions, unfamiliar with things like horses and swords. Boros is blunt but attentive, and seems to know where everyone is at all times. She has not fought Death yet, but plans to once she has learned enough. Boros actively avoids the Seeker, saying they somehow seem dangerous.   Cause of Death. Admiral Boros was a space traveler in her reality, and the leader of an enormous military society. Having claimed over half of the galaxy, Boros met her end when six travelers boarded her ship. Completely unstoppable, Boros compares them to “T’T’K’Klohm,” which in her tongue means absolution.


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