Abbad Fattah Character in Ko'hadar | World Anvil

Abbad Fattah

Years ago, a human tribal warrior was found near death in the desert not far from the Spring of Peace and brought back to the tavern. Jamil helped nurse him back to health, and upon his full recovery, Abbad decided to stay at the tavern. Over the years, he’s become integral to the tavern’s daily workings, and helped develop the current tent rental business, which expanded the tavern’s popularity. He has become very quick at setting up the rental tents, and makes customer satisfaction his number one priority. He is usually found in the office or setting up tents in the marketplace. What no one knows is that Abbad is, in fact, a Jaziri in disguise. Abbad underwent a great quest to find a brass dragon who, out of distant familial loyalty, granted his desire to be turned into a human for the purpose of spying on the Fadels. During his time at the tavern, he has come to the conclusion that fault for the disagreement is shared equally among the three groups. He is unsure if he should reveal himself to Asiri and Jamil. He has truly come to respect Asiri and knows she will not take his deception lightly—the revelation could even turn her against keeping the tavern a neutral spot. He also knows that Jamil will feel betrayed that he was not trusted with the secret, which could even turn Asiri against Jamil if she thinks he knows. Abbad is looking for some sort of proof or information within the tavern that he, Asiri, and Jamil could take to their families to help broker a peace.


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