Vampires Species in Knight Realms: Arawyn | World Anvil


Vampirism is a disease that infects living creatures, slowly turning them into blood-feeding monsters. The most common strain of vampirism, one that originated in Palmydia and has created vampires across both Palmydia and Doth Moria, is the strain caused by the progenitor, Pesmerga (who has since become deceased).   Vampires are noted as being agile creatures with sharp fangs and claws. Most have an animal nature akin to ghouls, but older and stronger vampires have regained some semblance of intelligence and composure. Vampires have been noted to develop unique powers, such as turning into mist, shapeshifting into animals, and perform a multitude of hypnotizing gazes that can both cause a victim to fall under mental control, or simply fall dead with a stopped heart.


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