Paratrote Species in Knight Realms: Arawyn | World Anvil


Paratrote are a type of undead formed by the infestation of a particular type of parasitic creature or fungus implanted into the body. The parasite festers and feeds off the body, growing throughout it until it ultimately controls the corpse, animating it once more. In some cases, skilled necrobotanists and necroritualists harvest and selectively breed these parasites to create the most dangerous versions they can. But among the category of ritually formed undead - undead creatures whose creation cannot be done so with a simple summoning spell - paratrote are much more commonly found as a semi-natural occurrence.   A notable kind of paratrote comes from the deep caves outside of Darkholme where the tunnels are less traveled.  Bodies are hung or fastened to high cavern walls with a specially enchanted mud that attracts the growth of a particular type of fungus.  As water drips over the bodies, the fungus becomes encased in an armor of limestone, making it fester inward and consume the body before animating it.  These Il'Varen - or Stalacs in the common langauge - wait for victims before falling letting their immense weight crush the unsuspecting.


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