Halfling Species in Knight Realms: Arawyn | World Anvil


The inhabitants of the Shires, the Halflings, are an incredibly friendly folk with a love for lush green hills and a good meal. Most prefer a simple and comfortable lifestyle, tending to their modest farms or trading crafted goods, yet many still crave the adventures they hear about in stories told by the fireside. Though Halflings are among the most hospitable and kind races of Arawyn, it’s said that their burgling skills are so great, none have ever been caught in the act.     Halflings are a diminutive folk who try to live quiet, safe lives, usually making a comfortable home for themselves in the foothills of lush valleys. They take great pride in the simple joys; good food, fine wine and a proper pipe filled with sweet tobacco. Known for their lack of footwear, Halflings are endowed with disproportionately large feet that are topped with thick fur. Not being particularly brave, it is a rare Halfling who dares venture beyond his shire. All day long they sit beside their fireplaces with friends and indulge in overeating. Halflings are usually quick-witted and very congenial; they tend to have many true and dear friends. They are good and wholesome people.   Most Halflings are more than happy to live out their lives as farmers or country tradesmen. However, some Halflings wander into human cities, where they can grow to love the excitement and the bustle. These Halflings often wonder how the others back home can live without all that the city has to offer. Regardless of how they earn their living, nearly all Halflings prefer a nice daily routine and a comfy home. Yet there are those unbelievably rare Halflings who find adventure calling to them more enticingly than a warm scone with honeyed butter.   Halflings are a jolly race devoted to having a good, yet safe, time. They will shy away from combat. Halflings get along with just about anyone, though they do have a great fear of the goblinoids; some say it is because goblinoids see Halflings as a delicious lunch.


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