Gargoyles Species in Knight Realms: Arawyn | World Anvil


Gargoyles are one of the types of native creatures to the Divine Realm of Eodra.  The majority of them often act as servants of the order aligned gods: Chronicler, Enax, Brazen, and Visigalis.  However, some defy that service and act of their own volition.  Gargoyles draw much of their own power directly from their creator deities, and almost always exist in a form closely associated with their creator.  The peculiar part of Gargoyles that sets them apart from other divine entities such as Angels and Devils, is that Gargoyles more often look like constructs, carved out of some kind of material.   A common species of Brazenite gargoyle is the Steijen.  These creatures are the commonly depicted stone figures that many people associate with Gargoyles.  Their appearance is statuesque, and can vary greatly from winged beast-like humanoids to more monstrous creatures.  They can shift their physical state to appear in many ways, much like a doppleganger, and in the divine realm, more often exist in their transient amorphous form.   A common species of Chroniclerite gargoyle is the Tomoren.  Sometime mistaken for mimics, they appear at first as large books or tomes.  But in their full form, they have many arms bearing an eye on the palm of the hand and appear secretly or out of sight to watch and record what transpires on the pages of their body.  These creatures most often are sent during incredibly momentous occasions to directly record for Chronicler.   A common species of Enaxian gargoyle is the Eiseren. Lost in the sea of iron clad soldiers on a battlefield, they resemble immaculate suits of steel full plate, ranging from meticulous craftsmanship bearing scrollwork to jagged edges and practical adornments.  The clearest way to identify them out of a group of soldiers is that their bodies never rust, never show signs of wear or scuff, and almost seem to have a mirrored finish to them.  They have been known to survey battlefields and smite those who fight with deception or dishonor.   A common species of Visigalan gargoyle is the Adamero.  Few have ever seen the true form of an Adamero, as they will appear before someone as a reflected crystalline version of the person they sought out.  In any form, they are clear as diamond, refracting light through all their facets.  Their true form has been said to look as a perfect, spherical, facet-less diamond.  It has been rumored that they do not have intelligence of their own, but exist as an extension of Visigalis.


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