Angels Species in Knight Realms: Arawyn | World Anvil


Angels are one of the types of native creatures to the Divine Realm of Eodra. The majority of them often act as servants of light aligned gods: Valos, Andorra, Gaia, and Galladel. However, some defy that service and act of their own volition. Angels draw much of their own power directly from their creator deities, and almost always exist in a form closely associated with their creator.   The most common species of Valosian angel is an Illumar. Illumar are the staple depiction of what many have associated with angels; the white feather-winged humanoids with glowing or luminescent skin.  They almost always follow strict sets of rules set forth by Valos, or their own, as it is ingrained in their being to be creatures of law and code.   The most common species of Andorran angel is the Ursicane.  Ursicane are great bear-like creatures with spines resembling rose thorns protruding from their backs.  They are incredibly intelligent creatures, despite their appearance.  They have been known to seek out the destitute and help them in times of need, more often through indirect means unless that person was in harms way, at which point, their ferocity becomes very apparent to the assailant.   The most common species of Gaian angel is the Onugal.  These angels have often been mistaken for satyr's who bare strong resemblance to a deer.  With their bark-like skin and cloven hooves, they could easily be overlooked as a nature spirit.  However, they tend to work as silent observers, aiding in the journeys of those who might be without direction in life.   The most common species of Galladelian angel is the Lumios.  Lumios are small sprite-like glowing beings that have often been described as glowing orbs of light.  They appear before the spirits of the dead and guide them to Eodra or wherever would purge the spirit of corrupting powers.  They have been regarded in many cultures as spirit guides, helping one find peace in their afterlife.


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