Knight of the Gun Homepage | World Anvil

Knight of the Gun

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Two rows of unpainted wooden buildings face each other across the wide, dirt street. A signboard creaks mournfully in the hot wind. Down this track rides a lone figure, tired but alert. The figure's boots, hat, and buckskin jacket are layered with dust. But the ivory-handled revolver on the figure's hip is spotless and cool. Neither a beacon nor a threat, it's simply there, a part of the lone figure. Drift back to the days of cattle drives, dance halls, range wars, and gunslingers in a wide-open land where anyone with strength, determination, and courage can carve a place in the wild west frontier. Cowboys roam the plains driving cattle. Gamblers and settlers profit from boom towns that rise and fall nearly overnight. Preachers offer redemption for lost souls. Salesmen peddle their wares, hunters stalk elusive game, while lawmen try their best to keep the peace. Yet it scarcely takes more than a stolen horse or bad hand of poker to put bodies in the ground.