Rayek Valgon Character in Kismet's Thay | World Anvil
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Rayek Valgon

Others would say that Rayek's parents were too strict and controlling - crushing, even - but he wouldn't, and not out of fear. He was raised in the faith of Loviatar from the moment he was born, but not recklessly. Neither Imourad nor Cezria were petty, unstable, or inconsistent with their only son. Harsh? Yes, at times. Demanding? Certainly. But every lesson served a larger purpose. Every bruise and cut reminded him that he lived in a society where failure would leave marks; every day spent fasting taught him that anything could be taken from him except for his own strength of will. Once he passed his magic test, his parents didn't ease up in their approach. They didn't apologize or try to win his favor with gifts. If anything, their regimen went deeper as his need for discipline became more pressing.   As a result, Rayek didn't get to spend as much time with cousins near his age, but he wasn't completely kept away from them. He wasn't able to get too close to them but viewed his visits as a respite. He developed silent understandings with Ulkar and Azonia that served them all well as they grew older together. When Ulkar passed his magic test, Rayek congratulated him and left it at that; they never competed. When Boris Valgon refused to send either young mage to school or train them at home, they each found their own ways to secretly study. Neither would tell on the other.   Quiet and observant - and in better physical shape than most wizards - Rayek was finally sent to school at age 18. When he was finally accepted back home ten years later, he didn't complain. He served the House's needs attentively while Boris stood in the way of his being invited into the Red Wizards.   Once Boris disappeared, perhaps no one's life changed more drastically than Rayek's. Nearly overnight, he became a Red Wizard. Two months after that, his father announced that Rayek would become the acting Head of House, with his parents as his chief advisors (and guardians from all attacks, foreign or domestic). His cousins stood behind him and the rest of the house followed. He began to bring the family together and improve the house without tyranny. He even started to enjoy his private tastes for the company of men.    The next year, Rayek married the girl to whom he was betrothed as a child, Lorna Zurn, not because he wanted to but to comply with the demands of his station and age. He was put off by how she had been raised to worship him and how she bragged about him at first, but after she conceived, they had their first real talk. After that, they began to work as a team, and no one looked twice at the handsome drow slave Azonia gave him as his personal manservant.   But Rayek forgets nothing. He knows his good fortune would never have happened if Boris had remained in power. With his cousins' help, Rayek found Boris's secret lab, but its experiments are beyond his understanding and he's been trying to catch up ever since. He knows Boris's demands for a laundry list of magic items to use during his escape, but doesn't know the plan because the old bastard won't share it. Although he's okayed efforts to gather the items, Rayek doesn't seem to know if he wants to bring Boris back, and either choice is dangerous. No one else knows key secrets Boris holds, but once he returns to Thay, Boris is unlikely to relinquish his power, and only a senior Red Wizard could force him to do so.   And Boris has a reputation for making his rivals disappear that Rayek can't afford to ignore, especially now that he has a daughter to think of.


Family Ties

House Valgon at Eltabbar



Lorna Zurn Valgon


Towards Rayek Valgon


Rayek Valgon


Towards Lorna Zurn Valgon


Please note that this is the saga of a predominantly evil family in a largely evil country, made for a mature campaign; reader discretion is advised.
Neutral Evil
Date of Birth
16th of Eleasis, 1342
Year of Birth
1342 DR 37 Years old
Aligned Organization

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Cover image: A Myriad Vice by sandara
Character Portrait image: Rayek Valgon by Kismet Rose via Worldspinner Portrait Workshop


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