Lorna Zurn Valgon Character in Kismet's Thay | World Anvil
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Lorna Zurn Valgon

Lorna was one of a trio of children her parents had between trips to enclaves scattered across Faerun. She and her siblings were raised in the capital, which led to the first great surprise of her life: a betrothal offer from House Valgon when Lorna was five years old and her husband-to-be was only eight. The deal that was made between their parents was unusual for Eltabbar, but not unheard of in the country. It's an older tradition from Mulhorand that most Thayans shun and even despise, but wasn't a bad way to cement relations between houses. Both Lorna's and Rayek's parents held onto traditional ways that helped seal the deal smoothly.   From that point on, Lorna was raised to worship the goddess Sharess and Rayek. Her parents plied her with stories about how strong, smart, and dutiful he was. After Rayek passed his magic test, his great destiny was featured in their home-made fairy tales. They didn't ignore Lorna's potential, however. They taught her to be proud of her strengths and skills, and to master her studies so she could be the best wife for a Red Wizard, a leader of their nation. As a result, Lorna started envisioning her beautiful children well before she could have them.   Lorna met with Rayek occasionally for awkward meals, tea services, and public events, during which she watched him in awe and he didn't know how to act, so he kept respectfully quiet. Their parents didn't let them spend too much time together so they wouldn't get sick of each other early. Lorna began to travel with her parents to visit the enclaves until she was spending half as much time at home. While abroad, she learned various languages, grew familiar and comfortable with other cultures, and had fun with her siblings. She also fell in love with the bards she saw and heard during her travels and began to put her own musical skills to use.   Lorna didn't panic when Rayek wasn't sent for magical training until he was 18; she believed he was being taught at home by Boris Valgon, the Head of House himself. Around that time, she pilgrimaged to various temples of Sharess. She planned to one day host great parties and please her future husband in every way; what better place to learn those things? She eventually took lovers but never let them into her heart; there was only one man she wanted to share everything with. In her early 20s, she continued to travel, but she made more efforts to be seen and make connections at home. She counted the days until Rayek's 7 year school term was up, but then he didn't go home for another 3 years. Even then, Lorna didn't think the worst. But when he finally began serving the house and still didn't summon her to his side so they could begin their life together, that's when Lorna began to worry. And there wasn't much she could do about it except wait.   The call came out of the blue but Lorna was primed to become part of House Valgon. What she wasn't prepared for was for everything to happen so quickly. Because the Head of House had disappeared, Rayek was promoted. Since he was nearing the age at which Thayan nobles had to be married and have their first child, they were married as soon as the house was able to host a worthy wedding. She also wasn't prepared for Rayek to be so cold toward her. He was always civil and did his duties toward her but nothing more. Most efforts she made to engage him fell flat, as if he were still the awkward boy she first met. So Lorna figured that trying to help the house would get his attention, give him some space, and show her devotion.   What it took to win Rayek over was finding out she was pregnant. Rayek invited her to sit down and talk, and talk they did, for hours and days on end. He shared many of his observations and impressed her with his insight. He shared some of his concerns and plans, and she felt bolstered by his trust. He explained his interests had mostly been in men but that she had become even more beautiful and refined than he could have ever anticipated. With so much on his plate, he was nearly overwhelmed and had little to offer her - but if they could learn to work as a team, like his parents did, and if she could give him some space and time to tend the needs she couldn't fulfill, he would strive to give her the marriage she deserved.   It was the deal she'd been hoping for her whole life, and Lorna accepted it with both hands. She opened her arms to all the children of the house and welcomed everyone in the family to join in meals and parties. She even converted to the worship of Samora, the goddess of his favorite cousin, Azonia's, to become even more dedicated to the house. When the time came to name their firstborn, Lorna heartily agreed to name their daughter after Rayek's mother Cezria, whom she's grown to deeply admire, and Azonia.   Now, many approach Lorna as the gateway to her husband. She also entertains at house events and sweeps through Eltabbar, making as many ties as she can.


Family Ties

House Valgon at Eltabbar



Lorna Zurn Valgon


Towards Rayek Valgon


Rayek Valgon


Towards Lorna Zurn Valgon


Please note that this is the saga of a predominantly evil family in a largely evil country, made for a mature campaign; reader discretion is advised.
Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
28th of Kythorn, 1345
Year of Birth
1345 DR 34 Years old
Rayek Valgon (Husband)
Current Residence

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Cover image: A Myriad Vice by sandara
Character Portrait image: Lorna Zurn Valgon by Kismet Rose via Worldspinner Portrait


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